(615) 208-9090

Empowering Men In Their Sixties To Regain Lost Testosterone And Improve Their Sexual Health.

Men In Their 60's

Navigating Sexual Health: Men In Their Sixties

Serving Greater Nashville Since 2014


In your sixties, sexual health may undergo further changes, requiring a proactive approach to maintain satisfaction and well-being. This article explores the unique challenges and strategies for men in their sixties.

Conclusion: Men in their sixties can continue to enjoy a fulfilling sex life by addressing age-related changes and seeking appropriate treatments when necessary. Prioritizing overall health and emotional connection with a partner can contribute to a satisfying sexual experience during this stage of life.

Ready To Get Started?  Schedule Your New Patient Visit Online Or Call Our Clinic @ (615) 208-9090


Common Issues For Men In Their 60s

Testosterone Levels in Your Sixties:

  • Testosterone levels continue to decline, potentially leading to further reductions in sexual desire and muscle mass.
  • Hormone replacement therapy remains an option for some men, but it should be carefully considered and monitored.


Erectile Dysfunction Challenges:

  • Erectile dysfunction becomes even more prevalent in your sixties due to age-related factors like decreased blood flow and nerve sensitivity.
  • Managing chronic conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes, becomes increasingly important for addressing ED.
  • Communication with a healthcare provider and exploration of treatment options are crucial.


Differences from Other Age Groups:

  • Men in their sixties may experience a more pronounced decline in sexual function.
  • Maintaining a positive attitude towards sexual health and actively seeking solutions to challenges are essential.
  • Emotional intimacy and connection with a partner remain significant contributors to sexual satisfaction.
Knowledgeable Icon


Our professional medical team specializes in men’s sexual health and holds decades of experience in helping men find treatments.

Inobtrusive Icon


Let’s be honest, most guys don’t want to talk about their sexual health; that’s why we provide discreet, confidential services.

Comfortable Icon


We value a casual, private atmosphere with sports programs, coffee, a comfortable waiting room, and short wait times.

Different Icon


Work with us to build a comprehensive plan just for you and experience treatments that could actually make a difference.

Questions? Concerns? Feedback? Please send a message to our clinic and a team member will respond as soon as possible.

Tennessee Men's Clinic

Greater Nashville | Midtown
(615) 208-9090
210 23rd Ave N #201
Nashville, TN 37203
Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm
(Closed Saturday and Sunday)

Tennessee Men's Clinic

Greater Nashville | Franklin
(615) 208-9090
2001 Mallory Ln STE 302
Franklin, TN 37067
Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm
(Closed Saturday and Sunday)

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